CSU Time Value of Money Journal

I’m working on a management writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Assume that your aunt recently gifted you $12,000. You are both excited and worried about what to do with the money. You evaluated your options and came up with five possible uses:  pay off credit card debt,  set […]

Clayton State University Employee Engagement and Organizations Performance Essay

This assignment has three distinct parts. Carefully follow the instructions for all parts and submit each as separate documents in Blackboard for grading.  Part I: Appealing to Readers – First Draft For part one, you will write the first draft of an introduction to a topic in your discipline/domain (MY DISCIPLINE IS BUSINESS MANAGEMENT- EMPLOYEE […]

LDR 735 UOPX Limitations of the GLOBE Project Discussion

I’m working on a management question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. The GLOBE project is one of the most well-known studies on culture, values, and organizational leadership. It identified differences and similarities in effective leadership across the globe. This research and research like it can be biased.  Describe the      limitations […]

Foundations of Organization Structure Culture and Change Discussion

Chapter 15. Foundations of Organization Structure Chapter 16. Organizational Culture Chapter 17. Organizational Change and Stress Management Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each […]

TUI The Dynamics of Organizational Power Paper

For the Session Long Project this session, you will be applying the concepts from the background materials to your own personal experiences in the workplace. You likely have experienced many if not all of the concepts at one point or another in your career, but you may not have been familiar with the precise terminology. […]

BUS 310 SU Ethics of Monitoring Freelancers Discussion

Part One: Three months ago, you decided to hire freelance workers because the company was overloaded by data processing work (due to the growth of the company). Today is the last Friday of the month and you have to process the invoices from the freelance workers. The freelance workers are doing an excellent job processing […]

Expected Rate of Return Discussion

response to peer: The expected rate of return is a measure of the average gain or loss an investor can anticipate from holding a security over a certain period. A higher expected rate of return generally indicates a more attractive investment opportunity, as it suggests the potential for greater profits. The standard deviation of the […]

BA 544 UIU Organizational Trust and Justice Questions

Question 1 (1 point) An organization’s reputation reflects the prominence of its brand in the minds of the public and the perceived quality of its goods and services. Question 1 options:1) True2) False Question 2 (1 point) Reputation is a tangible asset that depends heavily on a company’s ability to generate trust among its employees […]

Management Change Roles in Organization Discussion

I’m working on a management discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Think about organizations that you are familiar with, organizations where you work/ed, schools you’ve attended, or organizations with which you associate. Identify and briefly discuss a change/s in the organization. Discuss the change in terms of the 4 […]

Mutual Funds and Company Stock Discussion

Response to peer: • What advantages do mutual funds offer compared to the company stock? 1. Mutual funds often invest in a diverse range of stocks from various companies. This diversity spreads risk, lowering the impact of a single company’s bad performance. Investing in a single firm’s stock exposes you to greater risk because your […]