Hampden Sydney College Racialized Gendered and Sexual Identity in African-American Children Essay

Once you select an article you will write a short, two- to five-page essay using APA format. Please review the grading rubric before embarking on your paper. Your paper should fulfill all requirements of the grading rubric and answer the following questions: What is the social problem the researchers are investigating? What is the research […]

Capella University Sex and Gender Essay

DOUBLE SPACE your essay BOOK: The Real World An Introduction to Sociology By Kerry Ferris and Jill Stein CHAPTER 9 Constructing Gender and Sexuality

The Pitchforks are Coming Essay

This week during lecture we began looking at one particular public issue: Inequality. Based on the ideas presented in the course readings and the points made during lecture, here are two sets of questions for you to write about: In “The 1 percent’s Problem” and “The Pitchforks are Coming” various arguments are presented which situate […]

GCCCD The Occupy Wall Street Movement Question

Question 1 The Occupy Wall Street Movement is a current Social Movement in the U.S. Take a few minutes to review the following links to familiarize yourself somewhat with the movement: Occupy Wall Street About PageLinks to an external site. Map: Occupy Wall Street, a global movement Links to an external site. Occupy Wall Street […]

SYG 2000 Arizona Christian University Introduction to Sociology Discussion

A) #1 Have you tried nonlinear presentation tools such as Prezi? What do you consider the strengths and weaknesses of this approach? How did your audience respond? (75 words) #2 What steps have you taken in presentation or public speaking situations to boost your confidence and reduce your anxiety level? Have you been able to […]

Glendale Community College Feminist and Postmodern Theories Essay

write a research paper with a minimum of 5 references including the textbook which I will provide a log in for. the paper will be about how feminist theory and postmodernism theory differ in how they view abortion rights and the new laws put into place in most states. 7 pages in length (single spaced). […]

UCSD Sociology the Black Lives Matter Movement Essay

Class material: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X6zHaTxS0o… My Research Project: Black Lives a Matter (BLM).

CSUSM Sonny Kemper Discussion

This is the first discussion forum. Please post your answers (by replying to this post)) to the questions at the end of the Instructor’s Comments before 11:59 PM Tuesday evening. The deadline to complete reading others’ posts and making your replies is 11:59 PM on Wednesday evening. Discussion Questions (1) Webb believed that the richness […]

UC Social Devience

This week’s lectures are as follows: (1) Anomie & Strain Theory: https://utica.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=e327cf32-bfd1-4b78-a6c4-afe1015b4478 (2) Social Disorganization Theory: https://utica.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=ed1b4112-5851-44a9-b719-afe10169cf36 The assignment: First, please watch this documentary–No-Go Zones – World’s Toughest Places | Seven Mile Road, Detroit, USA: VR7r9bBRVi0″>https://youtu.be/VR7r9bBRVi0 Next, use at least three of the theories covered in weeks 4 (last week) and 5 (this week) to […]

SYG 2000 ACU Major Political Islamic Movements Discussion

Discuss the four major political Islamic movements of the modern Middle East and what it means for secular governments in the region