WU Sociology Patient Health Questionnaire in Adults Questions

Access the Online Assessment Measures link in the Learning Resources.  Psychiatry.org – Online Assessment Measures On that site, explore at least three different assessment tools for under the various categories. A few that you may consider are: Severity Measure for Depression, Adult; Level 2, Substance Use, Adult; and Level 2, Anxiety, Adult. Select one assessment […]

SOC 445 GCU University Sociology Ethics in Social Work Worksheet

PART ONE For this assignment, use your selected case to begin your assessment of the client/consumer as directed in the “Case Management Process Assignment Criteria” document. The case studies are located in Class Resources.  Use the “Case Management Process Template” and turn in section 1 at the end of Topic 2 for instructor feedback. While […]

principle of sociology 50 FA 19 Northampton County Area Community College Watch any of the following movies or documentaries and write 3 to 4 papers

The #Hidden People Experience Papers #HEP Paper Prompts: While at event, viewing a television program, a documentary or a movie, try to take notes or be sure to remember significant observations of your experience Begin your Response Paper by briefly describing the event, a television program, a documentary or a movie. What was its purpose, […]

UCB Dignity and Autonomy with Respect to Abortion Essay

Essay questions: The values of dignity and autonomy are central to the principles and practices of human rights. Discuss the meaning and significance of dignity and autonomy with the issue of abortion. -harvard referencing (at least 6, I have attached a list of references the try to use all the bolded ones are quite useful […]

AMU Vaccinated Individuals in NC Data Analysis

Do a data analysis on the number of individuals vaccinated (Covid-19) in the state of North Carolina and the state of New Jersey, compare the numbers and answer three questions about the findings of information on the Kaiser Family Foundation Covid -19 Board website.

UT Structural Violence & Social Determinants of Health Relation Paper

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. What is the relationship between structural violence and social determinants of health? Should the two approaches be seen as complementary or as existing in tension with each other? How might each explain the lack of attention to marginalized groups’ health concerns? Review the relevant findings on race, gender and sexuality to identify overlap/unique contributions across the two approaches.

Definition of Ego & the Wives of Bath Discussion

Humans having an identity crisis … again 01. .025 points, At least 25 words > Read Part 1 of The Wives of Bath (1993) by Susan Swan here and just figure out which you think is more disruptive to the development of a human’s ego – being adopted or being sent to boarding school? In […]

SYG 2000 Rasmussen University The Power of Group Membership Discussion

Describe a specific example of groupthink you have witnessed in your personal or professional life. Explain what factors contributed to this example of groupthink and how the outcome may have been different had groupthink not occurred. Connect your response to at least one other concept we’ve explored this week (such as in-groups and out-groups, roles, […]

Sociology Question

This assignment is an example of “visual sociology.” create a photo essay of 6-7 photographs about any sociological topic or event that is of interest to you, be it rituals centered around an event or a glimpse or urban life or people at work. However, the selected set of photographs should tell a story, present an idea, or make the viewer feel a certain emotion. Select photo essays will be shared in class and with permission, on the bulletin boards of the Sociology department and Dickson Hall.   Before you begin: Look through the following photo essay by MSU students that was recently featured in the NJ Spotlight News about the recent state elections. https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2021/11/nj-general-election-montclair-state-university-photo-essay-candidates-voters-thomas-e-franklin/ (Links to an external site.) A few more are included here as examples. Make sure you go through them carefully before creating your own photo essay. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1536504219830678 (Links to an external site.) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1536504220920196 (Links to an external site.) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1536504220902201 (Links to an external site.) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1536504220977937 (Links to an external site.) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1536504220950403 (Links to an external site.) Directions: Following these steps will help you create a coherent photo essay: Choose a sociological idea that you think is important — whether it pertains to you, your family or community or just make sure you have a coherent idea! Create a thesis statement that clearly states your idea. Create the body of your photo essay. Write four or five points that you want to make to prove your thesis statement. Select photos that will illustrate each of these points. Organize your points and the photos into an essay. If you want viewers to look at the photos in a certain order, make that clear. For example, you might number the photos or use arrows to show the “path.” As you work, think about the photos you picked, why you picked them, why they fit in a particular order in supporting your thesis. Will someone looking at your photo essay understand how the photos relate to your thesis? Create a concluding statement for your essay. Make sure your photo essay meets the criteria on the Photo Essay Checklist. Select photo essays will be displayed on a bulletin board in the Sociology department with owner permission. Photo Essay Checklist The photo essay should: ___Include a clear thesis statement presenting a sociological idea. ___Present six or seven statements that support the thesis.  ___Provide a photo illustrating each supporting statement.  ___Include a concluding statement that is not simply a restating of the thesis.  ___Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation and be visually appealing.

Salisbury University Ethical Standards Review PPT

For your presentation/post:  Using the section you signed up for, create a set of slides (think no more than 9 slides)  Reviews each of the standards in your section (not just copy and paste) summarize them using your own word in the slides  Reviews a scenario that addresses at least 2-3 of the standards of […]