UCSD Explaining the Thomas Theorem Paper

Instructions This assignment will explore in-depth the Thomas Theorem. Research the Thomas Theorem, look at sources outside of the text book. Once you have a grasp on what the Theorem states answer the following scenarios:  Define and explain the Thomas Theorem. Think about your own life, and offer an example of how the Thomas Theorem […]

secret of the wild child documentary

Can you help me understand this Sociology question? this is the link of the documentary https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/genie-secret-wild-…  

SOWK 663 SU Decision Making & Effective Communication Skills Discusion

Reflection Questions: The National Network for Social Work Management provides a comprehensive list of 21 competencies necessary for the effective and responsible performance of the management role. Download the list HSMC-Guidebook-December-2018.pdf  and read the list carefully. Review the list and reflect on those competencies for which you have an aptitude – based on your past […]

UP Use of Social Media and Mental Health Disorders Paper

To begin with, I want to start by saying you do not need to make the actual website itself. Yet, you will be providing all of the information that aids in the completion of the website. I have created a project proposal, however I have had feedback on it, and my original proposal needs revision. […]

SOCY 100 WTCC Week 5 Stratification and Social Inequality Discussion

Part 1. What is stratification and how might discrimination contribute to it? As part of your response, please explain what the terms stratification and discrimination mean in your own words. Part 2. Identify one specific form of discrimination experienced by one of the social groups addressed in this week’s resources. What, in your opinion, could […]

Gender Socialization Essay

Research process:  Visit a store that has children’s items (clothes, books, toys), via their website or in person when it is safe to do so Search on or go to one specific item type (clothes or books or toys) and take note of what they look like. How are they arranged? Are they ‘color-coded” and/or […]

UCSB Researchers and Scholars & Ethical Practices Discussion

How do we continue to work in this topic(sex, love and romance) without creating epistemological harm? For example, how do we ensure that when we are writing, reading, and researching about marginal communities to which we do not belong, how do we facilitate a method of ethics? What must we be attentive to? (I advise […]